Induction - Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Our aim is for our College to be a place where learning and working exists in an environment that advances equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and allows everyone to achieve to their fullest potential. The College is opposed to any form of discrimination and we will ensure that our practices are legal, accessible and fair to all learners, service users and employees. We will:
Our staff play a vital role in helping the College to:
New College Durham is committed to being a place where learning and working exists in an environment that advances equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and allows everyone to achieve their fullest potential.
The College draws its staff and learners from a wide range of backgrounds. Our educational provision, services and partnerships provide opportunities for people with an equally wide range of abilities and aspirations.
Our commitment is demonstrated through our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Scheme which focuses on the key areas of our service delivery, employment and working practices to meet the needs of learners, staff and other stakeholders. The scheme is published in July each year and is available on the internet and intranet.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion continues to be high on agendas locally, regionally and nationally. We are proud of the social and cultural diversity of our community and see it as a strength that inspires innovation and creativity.
The public sector equality duty requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.
Our annual report outlines what we have done this past academic year and our key objectives moving forward through the next academic year.
A recent survey completed by staff, students & partners as part of our journey toward Leaders in diversity showed us that...
97% of students confirmed that they felt respected and listened to by staff.
Every student is treated equally and given the same opportunities to learn and succeed.
98% of staff felt valued/respected by colleagues.
We are all humans but we are no the same.
Every individual should have an equal chance to make the most of their talents, capabilities and endeavour; and no one should have poorer life chances because of where, what or to whom they were born.
We should all be treated with equal respect and have equal access to services, including education.
Equality is not about forcing equality upon people but giving people the chance to be equal and in some cases this means treating them differently.
What have we been doing in College?
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is embedded across College. We continue to ensure that our staff receive a wide range of training to develop their knowledge and skills.
Training includes: