At present for many of you starting your employment at College it may be a little different than you might have expected. As we look to ensure that our staff are able to return to work and our students to learning in an environment that ensures the health, safety and wellbeing of all.
There will be a blended approach to induction this could be delivered face to face, over the phone or via Teams. How induction will be delivered will be discussed between the staff member and the Training and Development Manager.
Our Training and Development Manager will invite you to join induction using your College email address, it is important that you check to see if you are familiar with Teams and that you would be able to use this facility prior to the date scheduled.
If for any reason you envisage that this would be problematic can you please let know as soon as is practical.
Once your start date has been confirmed an induction session will be arranged.
Our induction has been designed to ensure that all new members of staff have the information they need to be able to settle into their new role.
Induction will cover: