Welcome to New College Durham

Your Employment - Management


We want to ensure that all of our managers have the skills that they need in order to be able to support staff. We have an annual training programme available for managers to attend some of the contents of which are explained below.

Essential Employee Relations

This training will cover the following elements of staff management:

  • Sickness Absence Management
  • Managing Competence
  • Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation
  • Discipline and Grievance

Our Training and Development Manager will contact all new managers and arrange training on performance management which will include appraisal and probationary review training.

Policies relating to employee relations can be found on the intranet under policies and procedures.

Recruitment and Selection

This training will cover the following elements of staff management:

  • Develop effective R&S techniques
  • Gain an overview of key legislation/case law underpinning Recruitment & Selection
  • Apply legislation and best practice of R&S in practical situations
  • Gain an understanding of your responsibilities for effective R&S
  • Learn about New College Durham systems and processes

All management staff are required to complete online safer recruitment training complimented by face to face training. Our Training and Development Manager will contact all new managers and arrange training on performance management which will include appraisal and probationary review training.

Policies relating to employee relations can be found on the intranet under policies and procedures.

Performance Management

Our Training and Development Manager will contact all new managers and arrange training on performance management which will include appraisal and probationary review training.

The training will cover the following:


The probationary process at New College Durham seeks to:

  • Support newly appointed staff;
  • Provide opportunities where possible to develop staff;
  • Provide a clear understanding of the role they have been appointed, their responsibilities and the standards expected of them.

The probationary period for New College Durham staff is six months. The probationary process is designed as a supportive two-way mechanism to enable the new member of staff to receive sufficient support and guidance in order to be competent in undertaking the full range of duties within their role.

Within the six month period you will meet with your line manager on at least two separate occasions and the outcome of your discussions will be recorded on the probationary review documentation. At the first review meeting (which should take place within the first 4 to 8 weeks of your employment) an individual action plan will be devised which will identify training/development needs, objectives and quality measures which your performance will be measured and the necessary support required to enable you to successfully undertake your role.

For academic staff, as part of the probationary process you will receive an informal lesson observation by your respective Head of School/Curriculum Manager in which feedback from this will feed into the first probationary review meeting and the development of an action plan.

It is important that where you identify any development needs that you discuss these with your line manager at the earliest opportunity.

For further information regarding the probationary process at the College please refer to the "Performance Monitoring for Probationary Employees" policy which is available to download here (insert link).

The successful completion of the probationary process will result in written confirmation in post in accordance with your terms and conditions of employment.

Your manager will continue to discuss your development with you on a more informal basis throughout your employment to ensure that you are fully aware of any changes to your work and/or the operations within the team and to provide you with guidance to work towards achieving the department's goals and objectives.


Once staff have successfully completed the probationary process they will be appraised under the College's Appraisal scheme.

The College operates an annual appraisal system which is an important mechanism for ensuring that staff are aware of the College/departmental objectives; for the setting of their own objectives and to discuss any support/training and development needs with their line manager that are appropriate to the role you are undertaking.

For further information on the College's appraisal scheme please refer to the "Appraisal Principles and Guidelines" document which is available to download here (insert link).